April Challenge from Rochelle Spears

Well. Quarantine Week 3 has given me more time to scrapbook (that’s a positive thing right?) so I decided to play along with Rochelle’s challenge! I love your sketches Rochelle! They always inspire me! 🙂

Here’s her fun sketch:

Here’s my take on it:

If you’ve been around my blog at all, you know that I love creating two-page layouts–especially of my travels. So, I simply copied the same sketch for the second page.

This page is highlighting some of our favorite “Venice Moments”. Venice is such a beautiful city to get lost in! If you’re interested in hearing more about my time in Venice you can click here! In our most recent trip to Italy, we also visited Milan and Verona, so check out those posts too! Italy is such a beautiful country with so much to see!

Alright, that’s it for me! I hope you have a beautiful day! Ciao!

April Double Page Layout from Stick It Down

Finally, things are starting to look like spring! I feel so rested coming off our recent Spring Break, I’m ready to get back in the swing of things again! I hope you had a great March and were maybe able to sneak off somewhere on Spring Break too!

Here’s our new sketch from Stick It Down!

This one challenged me a little, so here’s what I came up with:

Milan! What a great city! We had such a fabulous (but hot!) time there last August. If you are interested in hearing more about our adventure, click here to find out more! Milan has some amazing sites and experiences just waiting to be had.

That’s all for now! Thanks for visiting!

April Sketch from Let’s Get Sketchy

Ok now it should be officially spring right? Let’s get this snow melted and gone! <—-If you haven’t figured out, I live in the north! Minnesota to be exact. And we are certainly clamoring for spring to come!

Here’s a new challenge to launch us into spring from Let’s Get Sketchy!

I love the doily design that frames this layout! Here’s what I came up with:

I chose to add more pictures on a second page (and because I love scrapping two page layouts)! So here’s the final result!

Ahh…Venice is so lovely and I enjoyed every minute that I spent in this charming city! And I would go back in a heartbeat! If you’d like to hear more about my trip to The Floating City click here! I also have lots of other posts about destinations I’ve been fortunate enough to visit so check out my Globetrotting tab above!

Thanks so much for swinging by my website today! I hope you found something to inspire you! Ciao for now!

March Double Page Layout from Stick It Down

We are flying through 2020 aren’t we? Wow, here comes a new month! I hope you are ready for a new sketch from Stick It Down. This one will give you the opportunity to use lots of photos, which is perfect for me, because I seem to love including as many as I can!

Here’s our sketch for the month:

Isn’t that little leprechaun cute? Here’s what I decided to do with the sketch:

As you can see, I’m still scrapping my way through our trip to Europe last summer. We stopped briefly in Frankfurt, Germany and spent the afternoon exploring the Medieval buildings in the Romerburg area. If you ever have a chance to visit this beautiful place, check out my blog post about Frankfurt, Munich and Berchtesgaden National Park in Bavaria here. I love to share about my adventures and of course scrapbook them!

Thanks for stopping by this month! Have a great March!

March Sketch from Let’s Get Sketchy

Welcome to March everyone! Spring is hopefully on the horizon! If you still have snow on the ground (like me) then you might need a fun challenge to help brighten your spirits. Good thing Let’s Get Sketchy has one ready for you! Let’s check it out!

I love that this sketch allows me to include multiple pictures! Here’s how mine turned out!

I decided to add a second page onto this sketch in order to capture more of my memories of Milan. Here’s what I added:

This layout is highlighting the Duomo in Milan and a few other places that my husband and I visited last summer. If you’d like to hear more about our day in Milan, you can click here!

Thanks so much for checking out my layout this month! Feel free to look around my website a little more and see what else might inspire you! Happy Scrapping!

Guest Designer for Lasting Memories for the month of February Week #4

LM #486 – Tool free-for-all: Hey again! So glad you came back for one more week of fun with Lasting Memories and me! They’ve been such a great blog to partner with and I hope you’ll check out their blog here!

Alrighty, well the Tool free-for-all was the last challenge of the month and I of course used my Silhouette Cameo or as I lovingly call her “Cam” to cut a flower frame that I found on Paige Evans’ website! I backed the flowers with different colored papers and boom! Instantly a cool page!

Scrapbooking my travels are my absolute favorite, so I always try to create pages that remind me of the joy I felt traveling to that specific spot. I wanted to use bright colors and florals to remind me of the gorgeous English Garden that we visited downtown Munich. Seriously, it was a beautiful park that had surfers! No, I’m not kidding! People were surfing in a river right in the middle of the city! Yep, it’s a pretty unique place.

If you’re at all interested in hearing more about my time in Munich this summer, click the “Globetrotting” tab above and find Germany! You can also click here!

Thanks for joining me on this journey of Guest Designing! I’ve had so much fun connecting with you and I hope you’ve found my layouts inspiring you to travel and scrap! Until next time!

Lasting Memories Guest Designer for the month of February Week #3

LM #485 – Die Cuts Glad you’re back for more fun here in Week #3! I have to say, this week’s challenge was an easier one for me since I use diecuts on almost every page that I create! Thanks to my Silhouette! Check out Lasting Memories blog here!

I decided to challenge myself a bit and trace and cut a harder cut file than what I normally attempt, so I traced an image of Milan’s famous Duomo Cathedral. Whew! It was a tricky one to trace, cut and adhere down, but overall I’m happy with how it turned out.

Often times I’m really happy making the cut file the center of attention and this page was no exception. I tried to keep somewhat of a basic color scheme and simple embellishments so that the cut file would “pop” even more.

As you can tell, I’m scrapping some trip photos from our Eurail journey around Europe last August. If you’re interested in learning about the countries that we visited, click on the “Globetrotting” page at the top! You can also click here to view my post specifically on Milan!

I’ll see you again next week for my final Guest Designer layout for February! Ciao!

Lasting Memories Guest Designer for the month of February Week #2

LM #484 – Stamps It’s me again! Back for Week #2! This month our challenge at Lasting Memories is about using stamps! Stamping was the original way that I got into scrapbooking wayyy back in the 90’s, so it was fun to whip some out again!

As you’ve maybe seen, I’ve been working hard to scrapbook our trip to Europe last summer. This trip we were fortunate enough to make our way to Milan and visit some of Da Vinci’s famous works. Castle Sforzesco, Da Vinci’s Vineyard and of course The Last Supper were a few of the places we stopped and they were all amazing!

Since this challenge involved stamping, I chose to stamp blue and pink paper and then use my Silhouette to cut out a blocky title. I then added some stitching around the border of each letter (yes this was a labor of love!) and finished it off with some embellishments and photos! I think it turned out pretty neat!

If you’re at all interested in hearing more about my trip, feel free to click on the “Globetrotting” page above and click on a spot you’d love to travel to! Each time I travel, it just fuels my fire to experience more and more parts of the world! If you’re curious what we saw in Milan you can click here! There is so much beauty out in the world just waiting to be explored! 🙂

I’ll be back next week with another new post, so tune in then and until then Happy Scrapping!

February Double Page Layout from Stick It Down

Ahh February! I’ve always loved this month focused on love. The chick flicks and Hallmark movies seem to be even sweeter 😉

Speaking of love, I also LOVE the challenge that we have this month at Stick It Down. And it even has a giant heart on it. Ok I promise I’ll stop babbling, here’s our sketch for the month:

It’s cute right? There are so many things you could do with it! Here’s what I did:

Alright well! That’s all for now, but I hope you get a chance to do some scrapping this month! Until next time! Happy Scrapping!

Lasting Memories Guest Designer for the month of February!

Hey ya’ll! I’m back again to day with some EXCITING news! Way back in December, I was asked to Guest Design for Lasting Memories in the month of February. Of course I jumped at the opportunity to be a part of their amazingness! Check out their blog here!

LM #483 – Punches: Their first challenge this month is about PUNCHES. I have to admit, I don’t use a ton of punches on my layouts, but that’s why it was a good challenge for me!

Did you spot the punches? Here’s a close up of my title and some photos that might help you spot them! Under the title “Eagle’s Nest”, I used a few circle punches and then in the matting of my photos I used a scalloped edge punch.

I’m loving how it turned out and I’m loving getting these trip photos scrapped!

If you’re at all interested in hearing more about my travels, head to my “Globetrotting” page at the top and select a country that you’re interested in learning about. Traveling is near and dear to my heart and I LOVE sharing my experiences with others. You can also click here to find my post on Germany, where these photos were taken.

That’s all for now! Until next time! Auf wiedersehen!