May Double Page Layout from Stick It Down

Finally, it’s MAY! I’ve always loved this month because that means school is winding down and summer is just around the corner. Doesn’t hurt that my birthday is also in May 😉

Here’s a new double page sketch from Stick It Down that we get to play with this month! I love using double page sketches to document my trip memories. This one is perfect for that! Check it out:

Here’s what I decided to do with the sketch (the 2nd time!) Yep, sometimes we make something and then hate it and have to start over until we love it. That was me and this layout, but the good news is now I love it! 🙂

My layout is documenting our recent trip to Ljubljana, Slovenia! We loved this little city (and the beautiful country) and had a great day exploring this castle on top of the mountain. If you would like to hear more about our time in Slovenia click here!

As always, thanks for swinging by my blog this month! I hope you have a fantastic spring and that you get a chance to play along with our sketch challenge this month!