April Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down

Here we are starting April, thinking all things SPRING! Yippee! To start off our month, let’s take a look at our double page sketch from Stick It Down: I’m working on scrapbooking some of my photos from our visit to Hawaii in 2022, so I used this sketch to document our parasailing adventure! If yourContinue reading “April Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”

February Single Page Sketch from Stick It Down

It’s time to show you our single page sketch! I like to mix it up and do both double and single page layouts! Here’s our sketch that we’re following for this month: I’m working on some Christmas layouts from 2021, so the second I saw this huge circle, I instantly thought of Christmas Cookies! MyContinue reading “February Single Page Sketch from Stick It Down”

February Scrapbook Challenges:

I love getting a chance to spread my crafty wings and try out a few scrapbook challenges from various blogs. One of my favorite blogs to peruse is Rochelle Spears’ because she does amazing work and always has great sketches to follow. Check out her blog here! Here’s what I came up with: I alsoContinue reading “February Scrapbook Challenges:”

February Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down

Why hello February! You snuck up on me! Good thing Lauren Mullarkey, from Stick It Down, was ready with our sketch for the month ahead of time! Here it is—isn’t it charming?! Here’s my take on the sketch! I chose to use this sketch to document my daughter’s 1st birthday party. I loved this cakeContinue reading “February Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”

January Single Page Sketch Challenge

Soooo it’s a new year — and I’m on a new design team! Whoooo! I decided last fall that. I would like to try my hand at designing single page layouts again, so I jumped on Stick It Down’s single page team in addition to being on the double page team—let’s hope I can keepContinue reading “January Single Page Sketch Challenge”

November Double Page Sketch Challenge from Stick It Down

Wow! Here we are in November already! Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Because Thanksgiving is almost here, I bet you’ve had some family memories come to mind. Here’s a great sketch from Stick It Down to document some of those memories! I decided to use some photos from our family’s reunion last summer forContinue reading “November Double Page Sketch Challenge from Stick It Down”

October FUN!

Ok. I think I’ve decided fall scrapbooking is my absolute favorite. I seriously can’t think of a topic or season I like to document more….and I have definitely done my fair share of scrapping Fall 2021 this month (I’m always a year or more behind!). Here’s what I’ve been working on: All of these layoutsContinue reading “October FUN!”

Scrappy Friends Single Page Challenge:

I found some quiet time to scrapbook today and found a fun challenge at Rochelle Spears’ blog and Scrap With Stacy‘s Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge! Here is the sketch from Rochelle’s blog and Tic-Tac-Toe board from Stacy’s blog. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration ladies! I used Ink Splatter, Washi Tape and Stickers to. complete this challenge (theContinue reading “Scrappy Friends Single Page Challenge:”

Thanksgiving Themed Layouts!

Happy (early) Thanksgiving! I just finished scrapping a few Thanksgiving-themed layouts from last year and I thought I would share them with you guys! This first one I entered in @scrapwithstacy’s Tic-Tac-Toe challenge. I used the middle column to complete the challenge. I fussy cut out the pink leaf peeking behind the photos. Thanks StacyContinue reading “Thanksgiving Themed Layouts!”

May Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down

Happy May Day! Oh how I love the month of May! It’s probably my favorite month of the year! My birthday, National Scrapbook Day, Mother’s Day, the end of another school year…all these wonderful things happen in May! Ok ok, I’ll stop rambling about May! Haha! Here’s our fun sketch for the month from StickContinue reading “May Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”