Hi friends! I’m waiting patiently for my baby girl’s arrival (38 weeks pregnant right now!) and so to keep myself occupied, I’ve been scrapbooking! I have a HUGE trip that I need to get working on from two summers ago, so I’m trying to crank out layouts as fast as I can before baby makesContinue reading “November Challenge from Scrappy Friends”
Tag Archives: scrapbooks
November Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
Let the holiday season begin! Whooo! Welcome to November and a chance to refocus on the things that we are grateful for. Here’s our fun double page sketch from Stick It Down for the month: I love scrapbooking fall-themed layouts and using autumn colors so when I saw this sketch I knew the color paletteContinue reading “November Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
October Double Page Sketch Challenge from Stick It Down
Welcome to the season of pumpkin-smelling candles, vibrant leaves, and hayrides. Oh and some scrapbooking fun too! Now that summer has come and gone, I find that I have a few more moments to scrapbook—and I’m grateful! Here’s the fun sketch from Stick It Down that I used this month: I absolutely LOVE how double-pageContinue reading “October Double Page Sketch Challenge from Stick It Down”
August Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
How have we already entered into the last month of summer?! Slow down summer! Haha! Well I guess the seasons keep moving despite my desire for summer to last longer 😉 Here’s our new August Double Page sketch from Stick It Down! ** Update! We’re now offering our challenges on Facebook! So make sure toContinue reading “August Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
July Single Page Layout from Stick It Down
I hope you’ve been having a fantastic summer so far! Next up on the blog, we have a single-page sketch for you! Our fun team created a great sketch to use with multiple photos. You can see more ideas at Stick It Down. I decided to create a title page for my Hawaii album: HawaiiContinue reading “July Single Page Layout from Stick It Down”
July Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down!
Here we are halfway through summer already! Summer please slow down! But I’m VERY excited about the next sketch to show you from Stick IT Down because I think it is fabulous! To use the sketch for your own photos, feel free to modify it as needed! We love seeing your creativity! I am stillContinue reading “July Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down!”
June Challenge from Challenge YOUrself
Back to scrapping! Whooo! For the last few months, I haven’t been scrapbooking much so it feels good to get a double-page layout done and feel like I’m making some progress in my Hawaii album. I want to finish it up soon so I can get to scrapping some of my other fun vacations. IContinue reading “June Challenge from Challenge YOUrself”
June Single Page Sketch from Stick It Down
We are halfway through June! Oh my! I hope you’ve been enjoying this first month of summer and that you’ve been able to rest and relax in the beautiful weather. This month from Stick It Down we have a fun single-page sketch that includes three photos! I love creating layouts with multiple photos and forContinue reading “June Single Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
June Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
Let’s get summer going! I’m so excited that our long awaited summer is finally upon us! Wahooo! I’m excited for long summer nights with bonfires, camping, hiking, swimming and all the outdoor things we long to do! Is there a summer activity you’re most excited about? If so, comment below! But no matter what theContinue reading “June Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
May Single Page Sketch Challenge from Stick It Down
Whew, we’re already halfway through May! Summer is right around the corner! Here’s the Stick It Down single-page sketch challenge for the month! I hope you can use my example and create something magical! While in Hawaii last year, we spent a fun day at the Panaewa Rainforest Zoo in Hilo. It had the mostContinue reading “May Single Page Sketch Challenge from Stick It Down”