November Challenge from Scrappy Friends

Hi friends! I’m waiting patiently for my baby girl’s arrival (38 weeks pregnant right now!) and so to keep myself occupied, I’ve been scrapbooking! I have a HUGE trip that I need to get working on from two summers ago, so I’m trying to crank out layouts as fast as I can before baby makes her arrival.

Thankfully the Scrappy Friends challenge is helping me out 😉 Rochelle Spears and Stacy always have fun inspiration to follow along with. Here’s the sketch and Tic-Tac-Toe grid that they provided this month:

Here’s the layout I came up with based off the sketch and Tic Tac Toe Challenge! I used the left vertical column (stickers, ink/paint and enamel shapes–my red dots) to finish off the layout!

Like, I said I have ALOT more work to do on this beautiful National Parks tour that we took in California in 2022, but it feels good to get the first page documented!

If you’re curious about this trip I have lots of details about it here! Talking travel is one of my favorite things to do. Plus then I love to come home and scrapbook all the photos I took! My two favorite hobbies work well together 🙂

Thanks for swinging by and have a great weekend!