January Scrapbook Challenges

When it’s below zero in Minnesota—-it’s a good idea to have a hobby. Thankfully I’ve found mine! I’m loving scrapbooking my photos from our trip to California in 2022. Our national park tour was one I will remember forever. We were blessed to visit Yosemite, Sequoia, Kings Canyon and Pinnacles! If you’re a travel enthusiastContinue reading “January Scrapbook Challenges”

November Challenge from Scrappy Friends

Hi friends! I’m waiting patiently for my baby girl’s arrival (38 weeks pregnant right now!) and so to keep myself occupied, I’ve been scrapbooking! I have a HUGE trip that I need to get working on from two summers ago, so I’m trying to crank out layouts as fast as I can before baby makesContinue reading “November Challenge from Scrappy Friends”