I was so excited to squeeze one last challenge into the month of June! Whooo! And it’s a BEACH challenge! Extra YAY! As soon as I saw this mood board, I knew I had to play along because I have soooo many photos from Hawaii that still need to be documented. So thanks for helpingContinue reading “Challenge YOUrself Challenge”
Tag Archives: scrapbooks
Scrappy Friends Single Page Challenge:
I found some quiet time to scrapbook today and found a fun challenge at Rochelle Spears’ blog and Scrap With Stacy‘s Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge! Here is the sketch from Rochelle’s blog and Tic-Tac-Toe board from Stacy’s blog. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration ladies! I used Ink Splatter, Washi Tape and Stickers to. complete this challenge (theContinue reading “Scrappy Friends Single Page Challenge:”
June Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
Summer is officially here! Ahh I can’t wait for some beautiful days at the lake and some fresh burgers on the grill! Do you have a favorite summer activity too? Well to kick off our summer properly, let’s look at our fun new sketch from Stick It Down! I love working with cut files, soContinue reading “June Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
May Scrap With Stacy Challenge:
Yay for May! I see sunshine, clear skies and lots of flowers about to bloom! So grateful to put an end to those cold winter months. I had a few spare moments and decided to whip up a page to go along with Stacy’s challenge. Here’s what I came up with: Here’s Stacy’s Tic TacContinue reading “May Scrap With Stacy Challenge:”
May Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
MAY! My favorite month of the year! Where flowers start blooming, the sun starts coming out more often and spring in Minnesota is in full swing. I hope you like May as much as I do and that you get some time to maybe even plant a few flowers to brighten up your space. Let’sContinue reading “May Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
March Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
Is it spring yet? Unfortunately, winter tends to stick around a lot longer than I prefer here in Minnesota. So how about a happy, cheery layout to brighten your day? Here’s my layout! I’m reminiscing some fun beach memories from Florida last year! This was my little ladies first trip to the ocean so IContinue reading “March Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
February Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
Welcome to February! Lauren Mularkey is our layout designer and she has another fabulous sketch for us this month. I love that Stick It Down is one of the few blogs that still has double page sketches! I’m still working through the Christmas season of 2020 so here’s yet another Christmas layout! Every year IContinue reading “February Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
January Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
Welcome to a new year! 2022! Isn’t that a crazy thought? Well, ready or not here we go with another sketch from Stick It Down! This one is a cute one too! I’m working on staying at least one year ahead with my scrapping but it’s getting to be a challenge! I guess anything isContinue reading “January Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
December Challenges:
Scrap Our Stash had an adorably cute sketch challenge that I had the perfect photos for! I loved taking photos of my little lady in her adorable overalls last year so now they will be forever in my scrapbook. Here’s their fun sketch that I used: Instead of circles, I decided to go with aContinue reading “December Challenges:”
December Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
Yay!! It’s almost Christmas! Isn’t the month of December just such a fun month? I love the magic that seems to be in the air at Christmas. And most importantly I love celebrating Jesus! We have a really wonderful sketch this month! Our designer at Stick It Down, Lauren Mularkey, always does such a fabulousContinue reading “December Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”