October Fun Challenges!

Hello again! Just wanted to pop on and share a few other pages that I’ve been working on this month! I love fall so much and so of course I wanted to scrapbook some fall-related themes.

Rochelle Spears and Stacy had great challenges up on their blogs. So I took Rochelle’s sketch and Stacy’s bingo board (ink splatters, plaid and tabs) and combined them for a cute layout. Here is Rochelle’s sketch and Stacy’s Bingo Board, in case you want to play along:

Here’s what I came up with! I love scrapbooking my little girl!

I used Simple Stories’ Cozy Days line and a cut file from Paige Evans to complete the layout. Love that this memory is no preserved forever! 🙂

I also played around with some ink and a cut file on another fall themed layout! This one isn’t a part of any challenge, but I figured you might like to see it anyway!

I love the movement that the stitching gave the page. Hopefully, it looks like the leaves are falling down!

Again, this was from Simple Stories’ line “Cozy Day” and the cut file from Paige Evans.

Thanks again for swinging by my little spot in the universe! I hope you get to scrapbook and be creative today!