Welcome to October! A glorious month filled with pumpkin spice chai latte’s and all things fall. I’m so excited for this month too because we will be welcoming our new beautiful little blessing by the end of the month! I can’t wait to meet him or her! Alright onto the fun from Stick It Down!Continue reading “October Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
Category Archives: Scrapbook
September Single Page Sketch Challenge
Ahhh….my soul feels refreshed when I’m able to carve out a full day to devote to scrapbooking. I once heard someone say, “if you’re a creative soul and you’re not able to be creative…you will be miserable.” So true! Anyway, I came across Rochelle’s sketch challenge for the month and thought I would give itContinue reading “September Single Page Sketch Challenge”
September Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
Welcome to the beginning of another school year! This school year will be a little strange for me because it’s the first one that I won’t be teaching in the last 9 years. I know that I will miss my students and co-workers so much, BUT I’m very excited for the bundle of joy thatContinue reading “September Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
August Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down
Our final month of summer is here! We’ve had a beautiful summer here in Minnesota and thankfully my husband and I have had some serious “Lake Time” lately. 🙂 We have a beautiful new sketch to show off this month! I absolutely love being on the double page team at Stick It Down because itContinue reading “August Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down”
July Double Page Sketch with Stick It Down
Welcome to July! YAY for bonfires and fireworks! I’ve always loved celebrating the 4th of July with my family at our lake cabin! I hope you have a great time with yours too! This month, we have a great multi-photo sketch from Stick It Down that I wanted to share! I definitely used the flowerContinue reading “July Double Page Sketch with Stick It Down”
June Challenge from Rochelle Spears and Scrap With Stacy:
I’ve been slacking a little bit, but I did get time to participate in this one challenge from Rochelle Spears and Scrap with Stacy! Rochelle had a great sketch and Stacy had a fun Tic-Tac-Toe challenge this month! For the Tic-Tac-Toe board I chose: Teal, Heart, Paint Here’s Rochelle’s sketch and Stacy’s Tic-Tac-Toe board: Here’sContinue reading “June Challenge from Rochelle Spears and Scrap With Stacy:”
June Double Page Layout from Stick It Down
Ahh…Summertime is here! Or at least the start of some beautiful weather! I love summer because it allows me to spend time with my family at our lake house. There is no better place to be, in my opinion! 🙂 Here is our sketch from Stick It Down for the month of June! I absolutelyContinue reading “June Double Page Layout from Stick It Down”
May Challenge from Scrap Our Stash
I stumbled across this fun sketch challenge from Scrap Our Stash this month and decided to play along! I guess one great thing about quarantining is I have more time to scrapbook! 🙂 I included some patterned paper with hearts in it as the background and then one heart embellishment at the top of theContinue reading “May Challenge from Scrap Our Stash”
May Sketch from Let’s Get Sketchy
Welcome to May! Another month and another great sketch! Although, it is with a heavy heart that I have to announce that this will be my last month with Let’s Get Sketchy. I’ve been with this blog for about a year and a half and have loved it, but it’s time for me to moveContinue reading “May Sketch from Let’s Get Sketchy”
May Double Page Layout from Stick It Down
Finally, it’s MAY! I’ve always loved this month because that means school is winding down and summer is just around the corner. Doesn’t hurt that my birthday is also in May 😉 Here’s a new double page sketch from Stick It Down that we get to play with this month! I love using double pageContinue reading “May Double Page Layout from Stick It Down”