August Double Page Sketch from Stick It Down

Our final month of summer is here! We’ve had a beautiful summer here in Minnesota and thankfully my husband and I have had some serious “Lake Time” lately. 🙂

We have a beautiful new sketch to show off this month! I absolutely love being on the double page team at Stick It Down because it motivates me to get more things done!

Check out our sketch this month:

Here’s my take on it!

I apologize for the “glossy” picture but I’ve been using my FUSE tool (which I’m totally in love with by the way!) and because of that I have to take pictures of the page in the page protector, so you get the full effect! Here’s the bottom layer of the page:

So, with my FUSE tool, I added a layer of 4×4 photos and using the Waterfall Photo Sleeves, I fused them to the page protector. If you’re unfamiliar with the FUSE and how it works, check out this video for a product tutorial or watch my video below for an overview of this page.

Hope you liked my page! If you’re interested in learning more about my trip to Budapest, Hungary click on this link! As always, thanks for swinging by my blog!