Happy beautiful October friends! How many Pumpkin Spice Lattes have you consumed already? Me….I lost count 😉 Mhhhmmm…fall flavors are the best.
Today I get to reveal a new sketch and page to you lovely friends of Stick IT Down:

Very fall themed sketch isn’t it? It’s a fun one! Here’s what I ended up doing with it:

I’ve been diligently trying to scrapbook our family reunion from last summer. As fun as these pictures are, they are wearing on me a little because I have so many other projects I want to get to (like my Hawaii photos!!!). One page at a time though!
I hope you get to join us for this challenge and that you get another layout finished up too! Time in my scrapbook cave (with a pumpkin spice latte in hand!) is my happy place during the month of October!