March 7, 2023: REST
“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16 NIV

“E. E. E” the warning light on my gas gauge flashed at me again. Although it was signaling the level of fuel in my SUV was low, I knew that it was also a reminder of the frantic pace I had been running.
My soul had hit empty.
Yes you’re tired, but you just have to get through this one last meeting. You have to just tap into your reserves and power through this one last thing. You can rest once it’s done.
Have you experienced that same internal conversation? Why do we struggle to rest? If you’re like me, it’s slightly uncomfortable to not be doing something at all times.
Sitting and resting feels icky when I glance around my house and see all the work that needs to be done. Piles of laundry clogging up my floor, and a dishwasher waiting to be loaded beg for my attention. It takes serious willpower to ignore those pulls and sit at the feet of the Father with a cup of coffee.
As I flipped open my Bible today, I noticed that Jesus even rested. Here He is the Son of God, with the single most important ministry on the planet and He took time to get away from everyone (his family, disciples, people who needed him) and all of His chores (I’m guessing he still had laundry, dishes or other responsibilities!) to rest and pray.
We all know rest is important but today I asked myself, “why do I not value my rest as highly as I value my productivity?” Jesus clearly did. He knew that there would be times where He would be the one pouring out but that there were also times where He would need to be poured into.
If you’re sensing that your soul is also on “E”, then take the time to step back, shut off the noise around you, and truly rest. If you can, get away for a weekend. Take a long walk through a park alone. Clear your schedule and hire a sitter for the day. Purpose to have nothing on your to-do list other than to rest and spend time with the Father.
Remember friend, God’s love for you isn’t based on how productive you are, how clean your house is, or how involved you are in helping others. His love for us is everlasting and doesn’t increase or decrease based on our performance or achievements.
It is ok to rest. It is ok to pause. It is ok to sit in silence and not be productive every second of every day. (I’m literally cringing typing that sentence because I HATE being unproductive. Help me Jesus!). Because if God wired us to need rest, then we are dishonoring Him when we dismiss it as unimportant.
When we choose to enter into seasons of rest, we will then find that when we re-enter seasons of productivity our output will be higher and greater than it ever could’ve been! God will use your willingness to slow down and listen to His voice to bless others around you in a greater way.
He’s calling you into His rest.
let me leave you with this challenge:
Is resting a struggle for you? Why or why not?
Can you look back at the past decade of your life and pinpoint seasons of rest and seasons of productivity? Do you think that if you hadn’t had those seasons of rest, you would be where you are today? Why or why not?
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“So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” Luke 2:16-20 NIV
“How much do you want for her?” A scraggly-looking, older gentleman approached me and my toddler daughter sitting in the shopping cart. Instantly my heart began racing. Who is this guy? I don’t know him.
“Too much!” I said, faking a smile. Ok now move along sir. Please don’t keep commenting on my baby. I got out of the conversation politely, but boy is it awkward to have a strange man come up to you and comment on your baby. Ya feel me, Momma?
As I was reading Luke 2 this morning something new jumped out at me. Mary also had an encounter with some scraggly men wanting to meet her baby! At the time of Jesus’ birth, Mary and Joseph were residents of Nazareth and had to travel to Bethlehem to be counted in the census ordered by Caesar Augustus.
As you probably remember, angels appeared to some nearby shepherds that were living (verse 8) in the neighboring fields. I’m betting they weren’t the best dressed or most well-kept men if their home was a field, so for this illustration, I’m going to call them our “scraggly shepherds”.
Ok so continuing with our picture: we have Mary and Joseph with brand new baby Jesus that had just been delivered in a stable (probably not where Mary pictured having her firstborn). Then we have a bunch of scraggly shepherds, strangers to Mary and Joseph, who come flying into the stable to see the baby. Sounds almost like my Walmart encounter doesn’t it…awkward! Thankfully, Mary seemed to handle it much better than I did and she welcomed the shepherds in to see Jesus with open arms.

God, in His graciousness, chose to send the men deemed the “lowest” in society to see His son first. I believe that He wanted to show us that He loves us no matter what our hygiene habits are, our age and status within society, or our flaws. He demonstrated that by sending those scraggly shepherds to Jesus BEFORE the wealthy wise men came with presents. It would’ve been very easy to welcome a rich ruler who has gifts for your baby, but some scraggly shepherd that you’ve never met? That would be tough for any new parent!
Here’s one final thing I love about this story in Luke. Once those scraggly shepherds encountered Jesus, they left rejoicing and praising God for all that they had seen and heard (verse 20). Just like us right? We may be burdened with grief, debt, loss, depression, fear, or any other problem, but then once we experience His presence we too want to dance out of our situation with JOY! Praising God for His deliverance and love.
let me leave you with this challenge:
Have you ever felt like your world was invaded by some unwanted, sketchy guests? How did you handle that? Did you stop to consider that these guests may have been sent from the Father?
Deliverance from a problem is one of the most liberating feelings we can ever have. Take time today to praise God for something He has delivered you from.
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November 25, 2022: THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE

You may remember the age old tune, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!” being sung at some point in your childhood. I remember sitting on a multi-colored rug in the Sunday school room of my church, proudly holding up my index finger (pretending that it was a light) and singing as loud as my little lungs could go.
Fast forward 30 years and here I am singing the same song with my two year old, while having her hold up her “light” for the world to see. As I sang the third verse of this Sunday School song, (the “don’t let Satan blow it out” verse) I caught myself pondering how many “lights” I had seen blown out in the last decade. Friends that were raised in the faith — and then followed culture or their own desires. Relatives that had hardships come their way — and decided the pain was greater than God’s comfort. Beautiful lights that were “blown out” for one reason or another.
And then I thought of my own light. The times that I yearned to just blow it out myself and head straight to heaven. To stop the pain. To quit. To call my race done. In the middle of that dark season I was thinking about “This Little Light of Mine” again and the Holy Spirit spoke this to my heart, “Bethany, I don’t want your light to be extinguished. This world is dark and needs MORE light – not less.”
It’s so true isn’t it? As Christians, we are the beautiful flames that shine the love of Jesus brightly to a dark and hurting world. Why would God want us to extinguish the flames that He created, to combat the darkness? If we were to quit the faith or end our lives, we would be telling God:
- That His timing isn’t perfect.
- His plans for our lives can’t be trusted.
- He can’t redeem the mess that we’ve made.
- We’re unworthy of His love
I would never be able to look my heavenly Father in the face and utter any of those phrases because I know that He has done so much for me. He is the hope that I have to walk boldly into the future and I want to make sure my light continues to burn and shine for Him, until HE transitions me home.
My friend, I know the world can be a tough place to stay but remember God is still writing your story. He’s not done with the beautiful details that will make your life complete. Trust Him to continue to paint a beautiful masterpiece within you and feed the little light inside your heart.
Hebrews 10:35 MSG “So don’t throw it all away now. You were sure of yourselves then. It’s still a sure thing! But you need to stick it out, staying with God’s plan so you’ll be there for the promised completion.”
let me leave you with this challenge:
Dear reader, if you’re struggling with the question, “Why does it matter?” or “Why do I matter?” please know that there’s a God in heaven who created you for a beautiful purpose. He thinks you matter. Here’s what He said about it in His word –> the Bible: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
God thinks you matter so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to die for you and I. If someone was willing to send their son to die for you —that proves that you matter. I encourage you to call out to Him and ask Him to come live within your heart. Ask Him to take your life and do something amazing with it. I promise it’ll be a prayer you’ll never regret.
If you’re confused about who Jesus is, check out this website, packed with info about Him!
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October 26, 2022: REJOICING
“We view our slight, short-lived troubles in the light of eternity. We see our difficulties as the substance that produces for us an eternal, weighty glory far beyond all comparison, because we don’t focus our attention on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 TPT
Pandemonium gushed out of the bleachers of Neyland stadium as excited Tennessee Volunteer fans stampeded onto the field celebrating the triumph of their beloved team. A tense tied ball game had created a silent hush to fall over the crowd. The shaky field goal kicker had given his best effort and launched the final attempt over the crossbar of the field goal post. When the referees signaled a successful kick, the crowd lost all control. They rushed the field, raised players into the air and even tore down Tennessee’s own goal posts. The excitement was palpable even through a TV screen.
As I watched the footage, I felt like I was watching what heaven must be like when a believer enters into eternity with Jesus–>heavenly stadium style. I pictured the angels and saints up in the bleachers silently waiting in anticipation to see which next sister or brother will come running through the tunnel onto the field to meet Jesus at the 50 yard line.
As the new heavenly recruit makes their way onto the field, pandemonium breaks loose. Excited family members, neighbors, ancestors, presidents, Biblical characters all flood the field to welcome this precious soul into eternity. Raising he or she above their heads, I bet they’re chanting “Well done __________!” and stampeding the field in order to celebrate with Jesus at the persons homecoming.
At that 50 yard line is Jesus atop a platform. He ushers the new heavenly member up the stairs and compassionately pulls the person tightly towards His chest. “Welcome home my child,” He whispers in a nearby ear. “Now come and partake in the rejoicing of eternity.”
If you’ve lost a loved one or family member, I pray that this picture will encourage you today. That although rejoicing is something far from your mind here on earth, know that it is happening for your loved one in heaven. Their transition from a temporary home, to their permanent one is not met with casualty in heaven. It is a greatly celebrated event orchestrated by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords–Jesus Christ himself.
I trust Jesus to plan a party the right way. 😉
let me leave you with this challenge:
It’s difficult for us to picture death as a rejoicing event, but yet the Bible describes it as such in multiple verses. Let your heart be comforted knowing that if your loved one trusted in Jesus, they are being celebrated in heaven AND that if you also trust in Jesus you too will see them again once you cross over the finish line into eternity.
“And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” Revelation 14:13 ESV
“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and eliminate death entirely. No one will mourn or weep any longer. The pain of wounds will no longer exist, for the old order has ceased.” Revelation 21:4 TPT
“I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us.” Romans 8:18 TPT
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September 27, 2022: ACHIEVE
“Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust him along the way, you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!” Psalm 37:5 TPT
Currently, I’m in the middle of a challenge. My local YMCA has a “Swim 100 Miles in a Year” challenge and as an avid swimmer I lunged at the chance to prove my ability to do it. I’m extremely motivated by challenges (especially ones with free t-shirts at the end), and so typically I’m dedicated enough to complete them.
This morning as I readied myself for another 6:30 am date with some chlorinated water, I heard my daughter crying out for “Mommy!” Now, my husband knows how important my swim time is to me. Over the years of me swimming, we mutually agreed that he would “take the morning shift” until I make it back for breakfast. But today I paused. I gently opened the door to my daughter’s room and picked her sleepy body up out of the crib. She rubbed her beautiful blue eyes and handed me her blankie. Together we rocked (and sang “Jesus Loves Me” at least 15 times) before she was finally ready to toddle out to breakfast.

Needless to say, I didn’t make it to the pool.
It was in that half hour that I realized my “achiever”-driven-self almost missed something more rewarding than a free t-shirt or the satisfaction of knowing I swam 100 miles. I almost gave up a tender moment, where I was able to love on her unconditionally like Jesus loves on me.
I sat in silent awe, staring at the spunky little blonde in my arms, “Am I putting my dreams to achieve and be known above her needs? Does the job of being a mom truly have priority in my life? Or am I distracted by wanting to be somebody or do all the things?”
Humbly, I decided that this was an area within me that still needs some work…
So I’m quitting the challenge. <<–PAINFUL for an achiever!
I don’t need another free t-shirt. I don’t need to be recognized for my hours in the pool. Instead I need to make sure that (along with my relationship with God and my husband) parenting has its proper place on my priority list. That doesn’t mean I’m going to quit swimming or exercising altogether, but I am going to be more intentional about reading the needs of my house before walking out the door each morning.
And if she needs me, I’ll stay.
The farther I walk into my parenting journey, the more I realize: parenting is a lifetime compilation of sacrificial moments. Moments that may cause our selfish nature to flair up and internally scream, “Noooo!” But ultimately it’s these moments that solidify the bond that we have with our children.
Aren’t you glad Jesus modeled that for us? In Matthew 4, Satan tempts Jesus with an “achievement” and offers him all the kingdoms of the world. Thankfully, Jesus saw right through the devil’s plan and didn’t fall for the pride coated offer. He knew that carrying out His father’s plan was more important than any challenge, achievement or dream.
Jesus is so gracious and never asks us to sacrifice something He hasn’t already sacrificed himself. He placed the desire within us to achieve, but He also wants our desire to follow God to be more. If being a parent is part of your journey, make sure you’re honoring God by giving your family the priority they deserve.
Your family is more important than a free t-shirt.
let me leave you with this challenge:
Ask yourself these same questions: Am I putting my dreams to achieve and be known above my kids’ needs? Does the job of being a mom truly have priority in my life? Or am I distracted by other things?
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September 15, 2022: ROADBLOCK
“Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the Lord had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy…” 2 Kings 5
No one likes a road block. No one likes a detour. No one likes when their well calculated plans come crashing down, but so many times in life that’s what ends up happening. We have an idea of what our lives should look like and then that beautiful picture gets flipped upside down in an instant.
This week has been one of those weeks. I had a plan that got absolutely ripped out from under me and stomped on by two toddler feet. Anyone else cringe at the words “potty-training”. Yep, me too. That horrendous week to month long ordeal of convincing your toddler that her fecal matter does in fact belong in a porcelain bowl and not smeared all over her butt cheeks in a diaper.
Superhero mom that I am had a plan. I had researched, webcasted, read and prepped for this week. “I’m sure this won’t be too bad. She’s smart, she’ll pick it up right away.”
Hah! Well it’s Day 4 and we still have yet to sit on the potty and pee. Can we say “Roadblock?”
In my quiet time with the Lord, I was crying out to God about my frustration. In His graciousness He led me to a story in 2 Kings 5 about a high ranking army official named Naaman who also had a plan that didn’t go his way. Naaman was plagued with leprosy and had caught word that a prophet in Israel (Elisha) could heal him. He loaded up his caravan and headed over to Elisha’s house to get his healing and meet the famous prophet. I’m sure Naaman must’ve felt a sense of pride about the ordeal. “Because I am a famous army captain, I’m going to get special treatment from this famous prophet.”
Then came his ROADBLOCK: Elisha sent out his servant to greet Naaman. The servant instructed Naaman to wash in the stinky, gross Jordan River seven times.
I’m sure Naaman thought, “What?! I’m practically nobility and Elisha doesn’t have the decency to come out and greet me and heal me? Instead he tells me to go wash in a dirty river?” This went against every plan that Naaman had formed in his mind. The Bible says he even “stormed off in rage”.
Thankfully though, Naaman ended up having a change of heart about the roadblock. He decided to put aside his pride and give the Jordan River a shot. It was when he finally surrendered his preconceived plans and allowed God to direct him past this roadblock, was he cleansed of his incurable leprosy.
Now, I don’t have a happy testimony for you yet of my daughter’s potty training woes getting instantly straightened out, but I do know that I will be choosing to surrender to God’s methods and ways from here on out. He knows way more than any potty training expert and I know He wants to help me through any roadblock I may encounter in this life.
And because He will do it for me, He will do it for you.
let me leave you with this challenge:
Are you up against a roadblock knowing that your miracle is just on the other side? I challenge you today to spend time in prayer surrendering your preconceived plans, methods and pride to the Lord. Remember that He loves you and wants to see you succeed in all you do — however He wants to be the leader and director of your path (Proverbs 3:5-6). His direction and timing is everything.
Take a moment to tell Him about your roadblock and then surrender your plans to His loving hands. If you do this with a sincere heart, I know that He will be faithful to show you what to do.
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September 1, 2022: PROVIDER

“This is why I tell you to never be worried about your life, for all that you need will be provided, such as food, water, clothing—everything your body needs. Isn’t there more to your life than a meal? Isn’t your body more than clothing? “Consider the birds—do you think they worry about their existence? They don’t plant or reap or store up food, yet your heavenly Father provides them each with food. Aren’t you much more valuable to your Father than they? So, which one of you by worrying could add anything to your life?” Matthew 6:25-27 TPT
Did you know God is deeply devoted to your needs? As a mom, I run around all day meeting the needs of my one year old. Milk in her favorite sippy, shoes to get out the door, her “Mana-teee!” stuffed animal – wait where did that thing go again?
Needs, needs, needs. Needs that she looks to me to fulfill, but due to her infancy, she hasn’t figured out yet that I’m not the real provider. I get her milk from Aldi. Aldi gets their milk from a dairy farm. The dairy farm gets the milk from their cows. The cows make milk in their bodies. How are they able to do that? Their provider made a way for them to.
And I’m just the vessel the provider uses to bless her and meet her needs.
If you know Jesus, then you too know the real provider. Your personal provider who is deeply devoted to your needs. He’s the one who knows you’ll need a new vehicle 5 years from now and is already sending it in your direction. He’s 50 million steps ahead of you, prepping for what you will need next — because He takes His provider role seriously.
Have you thanked Him for taking on the role as your provider today?
Below is the prayer that left the depths of my heart this morning. I pray that it will bless you and remind you that God didn’t name himself your provider by accident. He will be faithful to meet your every need, if we will only ask…
God, thank you for taking the title of “Provider” in my life. Thank you for bearing the weight of that responsibility for my family. You were serious when you named yourself my provider. You aren’t some distant parent – but instead you are deeply devoted to me and my needs. I praise you for that Lord and I thank you for helping me increase my trust in your faithfulness. You always come through.
It’s in your Son’s name I pray, Amen.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read what God’s been prompting me to write. If you want more encouragement personally sent to your email, feel free to subscribe here:
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August 6th, 2022: Jump off that cliff In Faith
I recently went cliff jumping up in the boundary waters of beautiful Voyageurs National Park (<–click to read about our crazy fun up there!). As I was standing at the edge of a cliff, with about 30ft of air between me and the water, a teenage-like-adrenaline flooded through my 32 year old body.
Yes, I’m in my 30’s now. Yes, I have a child and husband at home waiting for me, but for that split second I felt like I was 16 again. My adventurous side re-appeared like an old friend.
“1, 2, 3 BE AWESOME!” We screamed; as my girlfriends and I took turns jumping off the steep ledge into the water below. And you know what? We all lived and made memories we will carry with us for a lifetime.
I love living with a piece of reckless abandon, which is probably why I can relate to the lepers mentioned in 2 Kings 7:3-9. If you’re unfamiliar with the story, let me clue you in. During the days of Elisha there was a great famine in the land. People were dying due to starvation all over the area, but the prophet Elisha told the king that the famine would end the next day. Here’s what he prophesied:
“About this time tomorrow, a seah of flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.”
Among the poorest of the poor were 4 lepers who chatted amongst themselves and decided to run over to a neighboring camp belonging to the Arameans to see if they could become their prisoners and at least live.
They decided to take a chance, and jump off a cliff, into a neighboring enemies camp.
When they arrived at the camp, they found that the Arameans had deserted it and left all their food, gold, equipment etc. behind for them to take! Can you imagine the lepers joy? They had probably woken up that morning expecting to die of hunger and finished the day filled to overflowing with food!
A few verses later we read that they returned back to the city and sent a message to the king of the abundant provision that they had uncovered. The people from the city ran out, plundered the camp and were saved from starvation and death.
“So a seah of flour sold for a shekel and two seahs of barley sold for a shekel, as the Lord had said.” 2 Kings 7:16 NIV
Pretty amazing story isn’t it? God is looking for people who are willing to take a chance, leave their place of comfort and risk it all for Him. For these lepers, it required them to enter an enemies camp. What is that risk for you? Is it applying for a job you know you’re unqualified for? Is it starting up a ministry with little to no support? Is it fostering children in desperate need of love?
Whatever it is know that when you take a chance on God and jump off your own cliff, not only does He reward you abundantly for your faith, but He blesses others around you as well!
Obedience to God spreads blessing to others.
Let me leave you with this challenge:
Is there a certain cliff that is staring at you in the face? Is God calling you to jump out in faith and live with a bit of recklessness for Him?
My friend, I pray that you would be brave and take that step towards the edge of your cliff. Secondly, find the courage to JUMP knowing that your loving Father always has blessing and provision lined up for you on the other side. He always rewards faith.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read what God’s been prompting me to write. If you want more encouragement personally sent to your email, feel free to subscribe here:
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July 21, 2022: Does Your Faith Speak?

Hebrews 11:4 ESV “And through his faith (Abel), though he died, he still speaks.”
Am I living a life where my faith will still be speaking about me, even after my death?
Abel’s faith apparently did. Elijah’s faith was passed onto his apprentice Elisha (2 Kings 2:9) and then obviously there’s Jesus’ faith that has been passed along to all of us (he’s the rockstar of faith with lots to share haha!) But today as I read Hebrews 11, I was challenged with the thought of a dead person’s faith still speaking today.
Internally, I think we all desire to have our legacy continue on even after our short life on earth is done. It’s in our nature to want to be known by others. Maybe for our accomplishments, our fun personalities or the impacts we have made on the world. But how many of us actively seek to have our faith continue on?
As a parent, that has become my one greatest desire. I pray that my love of the Father would be passed down to my daughter and that she would continue our family legacy of faith. I don’t care if she becomes a teacher or a writer like I am. I don’t care if she joins the swim team like I did. But I do care about her eternity. And her eternity is determined by her faith in Jesus Christ.
Our faith is the one thing that will still speak after we pass away. It will speak through our children, our spouses and our impacts on others around us. If we don’t take the time to prioritize how our faith is speaking to others, it will die right along with our mortal bodies.
So I challenge you to ask yourself the same question, “Am I living a life where my faith will still be speaking about me, even after my death?”
I pray that we can all look back on our days and be proud of the voice of our faith.
Psalm 90:12 “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Thanks so much for taking the time to read what God’s been prompting me to write. If you want more encouragement personally sent to your email, feel free to subscribe here:
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