Books by Bethany

Claiming victory over postpartum depression and anxiety.

Hey Mama! Did you just bring home a new baby and now feel stuck in a cycle of mental torment, intensely overwhelmed and emotional all the time? Maybe you’re wishing that your life and thoughts would go back to the way they used to be. Why does “normal life” seem like a distant memory?

Yep, I was there too! Let me first reassure you that you are not alone in this fight. I’m going to teach you tools that will help you claim victory over your thoughts and emotions. We’re going to learn to train our brains to think healthy, God-honoring thoughts by incorporating humor, life lessons, and Biblical principles.

This bite-sized, interactive guide is a perfect nap-time read that will provide a level of relatability to YOU Mama as we enter into the trenches of parenthood together.

A wholesome romantic love story where love blossoms among the Scottish Highlands & amid the English countryside.

Emily has left her celebrity boyfriend, Bryson, at home in order to study British history in the land of nobles and kings.

Surprises arise as she becomes friends with a handsome classmate named Drew who also shares a passion for the past. Feelings develop between them as their tour continues, but Emily is determined to remain faithful to Bryson.

Torn between the two men, she seeks God’s wisdom on which path to take.